Just in Time vs Just in Case


In the photovoltaic industry, the difference between “Just in Time” and “Just in Case” approaches can significantly impact the efficiency and profitability of operations. While the “Just in Case” approach involves performing preventive maintenance or unnecessary replacements based on the possibility that something might go wrong, the “Just in Time” approach allows for decision-making based on accurate, real-time data, optimizing interventions only when truly necessary.

Thanks to advanced digitalization and detailed access to data at the module and plant levels, what we call photovoltaic 4.0, companies can identify problems in advance without resorting to excessive interventions. This not only reduces operational costs by minimizing disruptions and superfluous expenses, but also maximizes energy production by ensuring installations operate at their optimal point.

In an environment where every kilowatt counts, adopting a detailed, real-time, data-driven approach offers a clear competitive advantage, improving business decision-making and ensuring a more efficient return on investment.