Estrategia España Nación Emprendedora
Bhishma Hernandez, CEO, and founder of Clever Solar Devices attended as a guest to the pitching of the Strategy "Spain Entrepreneurial Nation" organized by the High Commissioner of the Government of Spain.
An honor to have been one of the few innovative startups selected to attend the event.
Such a great experience!
New software for real-time detection of inverter and module failures without stopping production
Emprendedores Magazine: Clever Solar Devices among one of the 5 brilliant business ideas in the community of Castilla y León
Emprendedores Magazine mentioned Clever Solar Devices among one of the 5 brilliant business ideas in the community of Castilla y León.
Digital Enterprise Show 2021 (DES)
Digital Enterprise Show 2021 (DES)
Last May 19th, Bhishma Hernández presented the value proposition of Clever Solar Devices at the Digital Enterprise Show, which took place at IFEMA in Madrid.
Clever Solar Device's at South Summit
Clever Solar Devices pitch it’s bussiness model at South Summit in Biscay, Bizcaya.